Michael Splaine, Cognitive Solutions, National Healthcare Consultant & Advocate
“Michael Splaine is known worldwide for bringing the real face of a problem into the policy arena to yield success with policy influencers.”
Summary of Professional Experience Michael Splaine, owner and principal of Splaine Consulting, has been working in the field of health and long-term care since 1988. Splaine has a proven track record of helping organizations achieve success in advocacy for health and long-term care issues. He helps lead clients to successful policy change by combining his deep knowledge of policy and program development and management with his skills in public speaking, community organizing, adult education, media strategy, and public health communications. He established Splaine Consulting after a more than 20-year career on the public policy and advocacy staff of the Alzheimer’s Association. Michael Splaine is known worldwide for bringing the real face of a problem into the policy arena to yield success with policy influencers. He is also the CEO of a related firm, Cognitive Solutions, LLC, a specialized consultancy to healthcare providers focused on improvement of care for patients with cognitive impairment.
Education Bachelor of Arts, Sociology with Gerontology Certificate, Rhode Island College, Providence, RI, Class of 1981
Employment Managing Partner, Recruitment Partners LLC (2015 – present) Specialized consultancy focused improving volume, pace, and quality of patient recruitment into clinical trials
CEO, Cognitive Solutions LLC (2011 - present) Specialized health care consultancy on Alzheimer care in hospital settings
Owner and Principal, Splaine Consulting (2011 - present) Government Affairs and Policy consulting practice, U.S. and Domestic (Client list upon request)
Director, State Affairs, Alzheimer’s Association, Washington DC (10/09-1/2011) Create and manage overall strategy on state government affairs, including advancing Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive impairment with key public health organizations and constituencies; (CDC Healthy Brain Initiative Cooperative Agreement) and leading nationwide campaign for state government Alzheimer plans
Acting Vice President Public Policy, Alzheimer’s Association, Washington, DC (6/08-4/09) Responsibility for policy and overall division leadership while retaining regular duties.
Director, State Policy & Advocacy Programs, Alzheimer’s Association, Washington, DC (4/03 – 10/09) Create and manage overall strategy on state policy advocacy and mobilization activities in support of accomplishing priority state and federal public policy objectives. Also, member of technical assistance team in support of the AoA ADSSP program.
Director, Advocacy Programs, Alzheimer’s Association, Washington, DC (3/98 – 4/03) Managed overall strategy to build and activate grassroots advocacy network capable of response on state and federal issues. Led rural initiative team for Association. Supervised media relations consultant contract for division.
Associate Director, Chapter Advocacy, Alzheimer’s Association, Washington, DC (9/91 – 3/98) Lead advocacy trainer and developer through chapter network. Managed AoA Community Eldercare Coalitions Project 1992-1993. Lead staff for successful White House Conference on Aging strategy in 1995.
Associate Director, Programs & Policy, Alzheimer’s Association, Massachusetts (8/88 – 9/91)